Tommy Robinson is de held die Engeland nodig heeft

E.J. Bron


(Door: “Young German” – Vertaling: E.J. Bron)

“On October 27th 2006, Samantha: “was abducted by two Asian men who drove her around Oldham for hours and then raped her. They then threw her out of a moving car in the Chadderton area of Oldham. She ran away and asked another man for help. He invited Samantha inside and then dragged her upstairs and sexually assaulted her. She ran away whilst he was calling his friends to come and join him. At that point a taxi driver and his passenger pulled up beside her to ask if she was okay, they said she looked very upset and like she’d been through hell, and so offered to take her to the police station and then home… They then took Samantha to a house on Attock Close, took her inside and then locked her in a room where 5 Asian men went…

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