Jihad Wach:

Omnibus Spending Bill Secures Border…of Islamic Terror State

Dec 22, 2022 5:00 pm By Daniel Greenfield

Omnibus bills are a disaster and this $1.7 trillion pork sandwich is no exception. It does however secure the border. Of every other Islamic country in the Middle East.

In another section, the behemoth bill requires $410 million to “remain available” to reimburse Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Oman for “enhanced border security.” At least $150 million of that must go to Jordan, according to the bill.

Lebanon, these days, is an Islamic terror state controlled by Iran’s Hezbollah. And yet, for some incomprehensible reason, we keep funding their security arrangements.

Jordan is only so much better. It’s due to fall to the Muslim Brotherhood at some point.

I’m not sure why we’re funding border security in Egypt, Tunisia or Oman for that matter. Oman is a reasonably wealthy oil state with a GDP of over $300 billion for a population of 5 million.

Do we really need to be covering their border security?

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Israel National News: Secret document reveals: EU will help Arabs take over Area CIsrael National News:

A EU expose divulges a secret plan to help the PA gain control over Israeli land in Judea and Samaria.

Israel National News

Dec 19, 2022, 8:51 PM (GMT+2)

A document drafted by the European Commission in Eastern Jerusalem calls for helping the Palestinian Authority actively take control of land in Area C, which is supposed to be under full Israeli control under the Oslo Accords.

A report by Channel 13 News revealed the document from which it appears that the EU will work to map land to prove Palestinian Arab rights there – without leaving traces of its activities. The document appears to point to the EU’s use of left-wing organizations in Israel for this purpose.

The EU also calls for “following and monitoring Israeli archaeological activity in the area” – on the grounds that it is being used as a pretext for settlement building in Judea and Samaria.

The document also states that there is a need for a common European vision and a more coordinated approach between the parties in Europe in order to maximize the ability to expand involvement in Area C.

It was reported that Israeli officials received access the document and are currently studying it.

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VPRO-Buitenhof had kritisch moeten zijn tegen Israël-hater

Naar aanleiding van een klacht van Likoed Nederland constateert de NOS-Ombudsman journalistieke tekortkomingen.

21 december 2022

In de uitzending van VPRO-Buitenhof van 12 juni jl. zat een interview met Kenneth Roth van de organisatie Human Rights Watch (HRW).
De man en zijn organisatie staan bekend om zijn hun negatieve obsessie met Israël. Zo beschuldigen zij Israël van ‘Apartheid’.

Een onjuiste bewering, zie bijvoorbeeld een van onze eerdere artikelen hierover: ‘Open brief aan de redacties van de NOS, NRC, Parool, Trouw en Volkskrant’.
Je moet je dan ook in veel bochten wringen voor de Apartheid-beschuldiging. De organisatie NGO Monitor heeft het HRW-rapport geanalyseerd en vond er maar liefst 303 fouten in.

De Nederlandse regering bij monde van de minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Hoekstra noemt de beschuldiging “contraproductief” en is het er niet mee eens:

“Het kabinet gaat niet mee met de conclusie van Amnesty International dat er sprake is van apartheid in Israel of de door Israël bezette gebieden.”

Volgens Likoed Nederland is de aantijging ook racistisch, volgens de internationale breed erkende definitie daarvan van de EU en de vermeldingen in het bijbehorende handboek. 

Zoals van de heer Roth te verwachten was, kwam hij toch met deze beschuldiging van Apartheid in de uitzending.

Desondanks stelde interviewer Twan Huys totaal geen kritische vragen of kanttekening in het interview. Er kwam alleen maar instemming. In de beeldspraak van Leon de Winter in De Telegraaf op 14 juni jl. over Twan Huys:

“Hij  begon er bijna van te kwijlen.”

Op ons verzoek tot rectificatie aan de redactie van Buitenhof kregen wij de volgende antwoorden: “het was maar een kort item” en “de heer Roth staat niet alleen ”.
Dat laatste is bepaald een beroerd argument: om een extreme mening te laten passeren, omdat anderen zich ook zo uitlaten.

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Geller Report: Fed-Surrection: Emails, Texts Show Pelosi Office Directly Involved in Failed Jan. 6 Security

Fed-Surrection: Emails, Texts Show Pelosi Office Directly Involved in Failed Jan. 6 Security

By Pamela Geller – on December 21, 2022

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s office was directly involved in the creation and editing of the Capitol security plan that failed during the Jan. 6, 2021 riot and that security officials later declared they had been “denied again and again” the resources needed …”

It was a set-up. A coup. All suppressed by the Jan 6th kangaroo court.

And lest we forget, Pelosi’s film crew she employed to be there.

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Did Arabs and Jews live in peace in 19th century Palestine?

Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.

Bron: Did Arabs and Jews live in peace in 19th century Palestine?

I saw once again today the assertion, in an academic paper, that Arabs and Jews lived quite well together in the late 19th century in Palestine. I looked at the footnote and it refers to a 2014 paper by Menachem Klein, which brings an impressive amount of evidence for cooperation between the  Jews of Palestine and the Arabs, including Arabic words that became part of Palestinian Yiddish and Yiddish words that became part of Arabic, as well as evidence of the groups working together, even politically, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Whenever I read this sort of thing, I wonder how this jives with anecdotal evidence of derision and insults from Arabs to Jews in the 19th century. For example, John MacGregor published in 1870 that “Men in Palestine call their fellows ‘Jew’ as the very lowest of all possible words of abuse.”  
In an 1824 letter from Rev. W. B. Lewis to the London Society, he writes, “Jerusalem is truly miserable, groaning under the tyranny of the oppressor. Jews…are subject to daily insults, and are shamefully and inhumanly oppressed.” He then gives page after page of examples of Muslims treating Jews like garbage, stealing from them, the Ottoman authorities falsely accusing Jews and their Rabbinic leaders of petty crimes and torturing them and extorting obscene sums of money as fines. (See below)
James Finn, the British consul to Jerusalem from 1846-1863, says that Jerusalem Jews were forced to bury their dead at night: – “the usual practice is to pay the gate-keeper to let them out of the town in the middle of the night, and this from fear of having the dead disinterred by Moslems or Christians.”
There were pogroms against Jews in 1834 in Hebron and Safed, in 1837 in Safed again, and in 1847 a Jewish boy was accused of a blood libel in Jerusalem.
How can we reconcile the stories of Arab abuse of and attacks on Jews in Palestine with the academics who claim that Jews and Arabs lived so cooperatively?